Friday, September 20, 2013

Vocab #4

Accolade: an award
-I got an accolade for being in the spelling bee in sixth grade
Acerbity: to be firm
-when I make a decision I show acerbity so people know I'm serious
Attrition: to weaken
-the old man began to attrition
Bromide: unoriginal idea
-there are a lot more bromides then there are originals
Chauvinist: exaggerated patriotism
-the war veteran would be a chauvinist when it came to old war stories
Chronic: frequent recurrence
-my dad has chronic back pain
Expound: to explain an idea in detail
-on the first day of school Dr. Preston expounded open source learning
Factionalism: a group of people forming a cohesive
-the team was very factionalism
Immaculate: perfect, neat
-the new car was immaculate
Imprecation: a spoken curse
-when you say you haven't got something it gets jinxed so you knock on wood because its an imprecation
Ineluctable: cannot be avoided
-school is ineluctable so you might as well take advantage of it
Mercurial: changeable
-I wish some of the stuff in my past was mercurial
Palliate: to relieve
-the advil palliated my headache
Protocol: international agreement
-Obama made a protocol with Canada
Resplendent: very shiny
-my suburban is resplendent after I wash it
Stigmatize: to disgrace
-the kid stigmatized his parents because he got an F in class
Sub Rosa: privately
-the conversation with my mom was sub rosa
Vainglory: pride from an achievement
-I had vainglory when I achieved a past goal
Vestige: a mark of something that was present but now disappeared
-my paper had a vestige from a pencil mark
Volition: the act of willing to do something
-I had the volition to help my sister

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