Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocab #1

Adumbrate: to foreshadow something
-the beginning of that story didn't really adumbrate the topic.
Apotheosis: climax
-almost every story has an apotheosis although every story should.
Ascetic: self discipline
-in karate they teach you to be ascetic.
Bauble: no importance
-if everything on our blogs were to give bauble to the course it would be bad.
Beguile: to deceive
-the mime beguiled the audience so they really thought he was in a box.
Complement: to complete something or comment on perfection
-the teacher complemented me on my haircut.
Contumacious: disobedient
-the thief was very contumacious.
Curmudgeon: bad tempered or angry oldman
-that curmudgeon gave me a dirty look for waking him up.
Didactic: designed to teach
-books are didactic.
Disingenuous: not straight forward
-she was very disengenuous because she always spoke under her breathe.
Exculpate: to prove not guilty
-evidence helped exculpate the criminal.
Faux Pas: socially awkward act
-whenever I'm with my friends some stuff we do is faux pas.
Fustian: a loud noise
-the fustian came from that car that back fired.
Hauteur: arrogance
-my dog shows hauteur when he sees smaller dogs
Inhibit: to inspect
-birds always inhibit a location before they lay their eggs
Jeremaid: a complaint
-the curmudgeon always has a jeremaid
Opportunist: a person who takes opportunities
-the volunteer was an opportunist
Unconscionable: not listening to your own conscience
-I was unconscionable and ended up making the wrong decison

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