Friday, September 20, 2013

Vocab #3

Apostate: a person who forsakes religion
-the priest was an apostate
Effusive: pouring out  or overflowing
-the bath tub was effusive
Impasse: a situation with no escape
-when the cops surround you it is an impasse
Euphoria: intense happiness
-when I'm with friends and driving my suburban i feel euphoria
Lugubrious: gloomy
-the weather is very lugubrious
Bravado: display of courage
-when I first got my own room I didn't have the courage to fall asleep without my mom in the room
Consensus: general agreement
-in class we have more than a consensus that this class is way better then the typical class
Dichotomy: a division between two things
-the street was the dichotomy for the housing complexes
Constrict: make narrower
-sometimes when they make bridges they are more constricted than the road
Gothic: a language or dark style
-that girl is wearing all black so I made the assumption that she is gothic
Punctilio: a fine point of conduct
-when he is mad there is a bad punctilio
Metamorphosis: a complete transformation
-between eighth and ninth grade a lot of people when through metamorphosis
Raconteur: a person who is good at relating stories
-my grandma has done a lot of the stuff I am now doing so I tell him stories and he is a raconteur
Sine: something essential
- the thesis in a story is sine
Quixotic: impulsive
-when she is in the line she is very impulsive
Vendetta: private feud
-when I see an old friend we know our vendetta but other people don't
Non Sequitur: a conclusion that does not follow the previous statement
-this sentence is a non sequitur
Mystique: raised value
-gold is very mystique
Quagmire: an extremely difficult situation
-today when my suburban broke it was quagmire
Parlous: someone who is smart but dangerous
-professional boxers are parlous

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