Friday, September 20, 2013

Vocab #4

Accolade: an award
-I got an accolade for being in the spelling bee in sixth grade
Acerbity: to be firm
-when I make a decision I show acerbity so people know I'm serious
Attrition: to weaken
-the old man began to attrition
Bromide: unoriginal idea
-there are a lot more bromides then there are originals
Chauvinist: exaggerated patriotism
-the war veteran would be a chauvinist when it came to old war stories
Chronic: frequent recurrence
-my dad has chronic back pain
Expound: to explain an idea in detail
-on the first day of school Dr. Preston expounded open source learning
Factionalism: a group of people forming a cohesive
-the team was very factionalism
Immaculate: perfect, neat
-the new car was immaculate
Imprecation: a spoken curse
-when you say you haven't got something it gets jinxed so you knock on wood because its an imprecation
Ineluctable: cannot be avoided
-school is ineluctable so you might as well take advantage of it
Mercurial: changeable
-I wish some of the stuff in my past was mercurial
Palliate: to relieve
-the advil palliated my headache
Protocol: international agreement
-Obama made a protocol with Canada
Resplendent: very shiny
-my suburban is resplendent after I wash it
Stigmatize: to disgrace
-the kid stigmatized his parents because he got an F in class
Sub Rosa: privately
-the conversation with my mom was sub rosa
Vainglory: pride from an achievement
-I had vainglory when I achieved a past goal
Vestige: a mark of something that was present but now disappeared
-my paper had a vestige from a pencil mark
Volition: the act of willing to do something
-I had the volition to help my sister

Declaration of Learning Independence


     My goal is to use this class to the best of my advantage from this day forward although I already should have been doing it. I plan on achieving this goal by the end of the year or even sooner like by the next grading period but I want to keep it up once I have achieved it. I also plan on going above and beyond with this course and I know Dr. Preston will help keep me in line but also to I am responsible for myself achieving it and getting the goal reached!!!

Vocab #3

Apostate: a person who forsakes religion
-the priest was an apostate
Effusive: pouring out  or overflowing
-the bath tub was effusive
Impasse: a situation with no escape
-when the cops surround you it is an impasse
Euphoria: intense happiness
-when I'm with friends and driving my suburban i feel euphoria
Lugubrious: gloomy
-the weather is very lugubrious
Bravado: display of courage
-when I first got my own room I didn't have the courage to fall asleep without my mom in the room
Consensus: general agreement
-in class we have more than a consensus that this class is way better then the typical class
Dichotomy: a division between two things
-the street was the dichotomy for the housing complexes
Constrict: make narrower
-sometimes when they make bridges they are more constricted than the road
Gothic: a language or dark style
-that girl is wearing all black so I made the assumption that she is gothic
Punctilio: a fine point of conduct
-when he is mad there is a bad punctilio
Metamorphosis: a complete transformation
-between eighth and ninth grade a lot of people when through metamorphosis
Raconteur: a person who is good at relating stories
-my grandma has done a lot of the stuff I am now doing so I tell him stories and he is a raconteur
Sine: something essential
- the thesis in a story is sine
Quixotic: impulsive
-when she is in the line she is very impulsive
Vendetta: private feud
-when I see an old friend we know our vendetta but other people don't
Non Sequitur: a conclusion that does not follow the previous statement
-this sentence is a non sequitur
Mystique: raised value
-gold is very mystique
Quagmire: an extremely difficult situation
-today when my suburban broke it was quagmire
Parlous: someone who is smart but dangerous
-professional boxers are parlous

Why this Book?

   I picked Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom because my mom recommended it then as I began to read it I was hooked and wanted to learn about him and his teacher and I plan on finishing it to find out what all happens, because I;m very interested

Vocab #2

Accoutrements: clothing accessories
-Girls have accoutrements on everyday
Apogee: highest point or climax
-the people who climbed Mount Everest reached the apogee in the world
Apropos: perfect timing
-when i got to class it was apropos
Bicker: to get in a petulant argument
-I hate when my friends bicker
Coalesce: to come together
-In history for an assignment five people had to coalesce
Contretemps: an inopportune occurrence
-whenever kids talk while the teacher is talking it is contretemps
Convolution: a rolled up or coiled condition
- the burrito is in a convolution
Cull: to pick
-authors get to cull the ending
Disparate: distinct in type
-skunks are very disparate
Dogmatic: certain of truth
-if you have facts for your opinion you must be dogmatic
Licentious: unprincipled in sexual matters
-the little boy is very licentious
Mete: to distribute
-the pizza delivery man meted the pizzas
Noxious: harmful to health
-the chemicals made me noxious
Polemic: strong verbal attack
-two girls we crying because they had just been in a polemic
Populous: a dense population
-China is very populous
Probity: strong moral principles or integrity
-when my sister was younger she had no probity
Repartee: conversation characterized by quick witty remarks
-the two old men over there got into a repartee
Supervene: something additional that occurs
-in every class there is a supervene event
Truncate: to cut short
-he was telling a story but it was truncated
Unimpeachable: impossible to question
-the dog is unimpeachable

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Opinion Isn't a Right

-Interdependence: depending on everyone.
-Saying I have the right to my own opinion is not always true but can help you in an argument if the other person doesn't know how to respond or know what they are talking about.
-Anyone can have their own opinion, but that doesn't mean they are correct.
-You aren't completely free to have your own opinion.

Vocab #1

Adumbrate: to foreshadow something
-the beginning of that story didn't really adumbrate the topic.
Apotheosis: climax
-almost every story has an apotheosis although every story should.
Ascetic: self discipline
-in karate they teach you to be ascetic.
Bauble: no importance
-if everything on our blogs were to give bauble to the course it would be bad.
Beguile: to deceive
-the mime beguiled the audience so they really thought he was in a box.
Complement: to complete something or comment on perfection
-the teacher complemented me on my haircut.
Contumacious: disobedient
-the thief was very contumacious.
Curmudgeon: bad tempered or angry oldman
-that curmudgeon gave me a dirty look for waking him up.
Didactic: designed to teach
-books are didactic.
Disingenuous: not straight forward
-she was very disengenuous because she always spoke under her breathe.
Exculpate: to prove not guilty
-evidence helped exculpate the criminal.
Faux Pas: socially awkward act
-whenever I'm with my friends some stuff we do is faux pas.
Fustian: a loud noise
-the fustian came from that car that back fired.
Hauteur: arrogance
-my dog shows hauteur when he sees smaller dogs
Inhibit: to inspect
-birds always inhibit a location before they lay their eggs
Jeremaid: a complaint
-the curmudgeon always has a jeremaid
Opportunist: a person who takes opportunities
-the volunteer was an opportunist
Unconscionable: not listening to your own conscience
-I was unconscionable and ended up making the wrong decison