Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Spring Vocab 5

Brouhaha - Excited Public Interest 
  Many people say they want to leave Santa Maria but I think the people that do stay, stay because of the environment and they share a brouhaha with the people around here 

Cloy - To become uninteresting
  Many things in life are fun at the beginning and we get addicted then it begins to cloy not much later 

Demeanor - Conduct or Behavior
  The rapist got arrested for bad demeanor

Deference - Respectful or Courteous
  Adults expect kids to be deference to them 

Enigmatic - Resembling an enigma
  Sometimes I get an enigmatic feeling in my chest 

Definitive - Most reliable, or defining
  Some questions or words have more than one definitive answer

Bumptious - Offensively self assertive 
  I am beginning to be bumptious with myself because if not i tend to kick back and not do what needs to be done 

Choleric - Extremely irritable
  Sometimes you can tell when someone is very choleric 

Bulwark - A person or thing giving strong support 
  My Abuelito and Abuelita ( Grandpa and Grandma) are the definition of a bulwark to me

Curtail - To cut short 
  Even though some projects are given way in advance some people curtail the project just to get done fast 

Adamant - Utterly unyielding in attitude 
  It isn't good when someone is very adamant so you have no clue what they are thinking or feeling

Profligate - Shamelessly immoral 
  Some people are very profligate in movies like when a car will drive by and they will flash their body parts 

Mawkish - Mildly sickening flavor 
  I love milk but i hate the mawkish after taste 

Thwart - To oppose successfully or prevent 
  I have helped thwart things from happening before

Onus - A  difficult or disagreeable obligation
  When someone has done something for me i have felt obligated to repay them the favor but that favor is sometimes onus

Requisite - Required or necessary for a particular purpose 
  Sometimes a pretest seems dumb but it is requisite 

Mollify - To soften in feeling or temper 
  People who are Bipolar can be very angry one minute and mollify the next 

Sartorial - Pertaining to tailors and their trade 
  Sartorial can do with sewing 

Presentiment - A feeling or impression that something is about to happen 
  In horror films the music often gives off presentiment

Impromptu - Made or done without previous preparation
  People often skip the directions and are very impromtu

Forbearance - To prohibit
  It's forbearance to abuse animals 

Remit - To transmit or send
  I when to the post office to remit my letter 

Spring Vocab 3

Proboscis - To have the nose of a mammal
  The whale has a proboscis nose

Pantomime A Dramatic Entertainment
  The pantomime made my mom tear up

Proclivity - To choose something normal
  I tend to have proclivity when I get something to eat

Centrifuge - To separate different liquids
  Oil and Water tend to automatically centrifuge

Odious - Very unpleasant
  When a skunk sprays it is and odious smell

Jargon - Words used by professionals but normal people don't get
  Dr. Preston has a wide category of jargon words

Ravenous - Very Hungry
  When I watch the food channel I become ravenous

Parlor - Living room or somewhere to sit down
  Almost everyone has a parlor in their home

Stagnant - No flow and tends to smell bad
  In some places around the world there are stagnant rivers

Cacophony - Harsh and bad sounding
  The music my sister listens to is cacophony

Tamped - Full of clay
  As a Kid in elementary school my friends and i used to dig until we got to clay the sandbox was very tamped

Flourished - To develop
  Flowers flourish during spring

Plateau - Area of high level ground
  From the bottom of the grand canyon the top looks very plateau

Rollick - To act in a jovial fashion
  On my birthday I am very rollick

Asylum - Place for protection
  A lot of the people preparing doomsday last year hid in their asylum

Spring Vocab 1

   This is very late but I plan on getting the ball rolling!

Bramble - Prickly bush
    This scrape on my arm feels like I ran into a bramble

Imperceptibly - Moving in a way almost impossible to see
   That car is moving in an imperceptible sort of way

Musk - Scent given off by a deer
  That cologne has a musk smell to it

Minstrel - White person who dresses black
  That comedian is a minstrel

Stolid - Secure not going anywhere
  This Atm machine is very stolid

Grille - Grate
  I can't find the grille for my barbecue pit

Kerosene - Lighter Fluid
  I need more kerosene for my lighter

Ventilator - Anything that blows air
  People who have asthma may need a ventilator

Hypnotic - Having to do with hypnosis
  A magician will never tell his hypnotic secrets

Refracted - Reflective
  The mirror is refracted

Stride - To walk with purpose
  The speed walkers take big strides

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spring Vocabulary 2

Cadence:. A rhythmic pattern
  His songs have a lot of cadence.

Dentifrice: A tooth paste
 I put dentifrice on my toothbrush every morning

Leisure: Freedom from demands no set pace
  I work at my own leisure because I am to boss

Saccharine: Resembling sugar
 This salt has a saccharine feel to it

Centrifuge: An apparatus that rotates at high speeds
  The earth can be considered a centrifuge

Sieve: A strainer
  I use a sieve to separate big and little pieces

Suffused: to overspread with or as with a liquid color
  I suffused the sponge with water and soap

Patronage: to control appointments
  The receptionist has a lot of patronage

Phonograph: machine that reproduces sound
  The phonograph industry has came a long way from the start

Vessel: to hold liquid
  This vessel my friend is a cup

Profusion: great amount
  The bank robbery lost a profusion of cash