I do not have any problems having to do with technology, I have a Smartphone to go on my blog or look up stuff for class and a computer at both of my parent's houses. I drive myself to school so transportation isn't a problem either.
The best learning experience I have ever had was in 7th grade. During that time I decided to stop trying in school. I thought studying was a waste of time and I hated it. The truth is, it wasn't affecting anyone but me. I was going to have to retake those classes again if I didn't pass and I would also be getting in trouble with my parents. I learned that education is very important because we will need it later on in life and when we choose to stop caring it doesn't hurt anybody elses grade but mine!
I am excited to take this class because it seems very different compared to any other class, in a good way though it is more interactive and a very fun way to learn. Project Infinity is a brilliant idea it makes us want to do things to help out our classmates but at the same time be competitive to be first place on the leader board. This class will help us all out in the long run because it helps us become more familiar with technology and teaches us ways to use it for educational purposes not just social activities.